sends a given request sysex to midi out and waits for receiving a sysex answer optionally you can set a timeout in seconds and initiate sending the sysex from the MIDI device self (e.g. by keyboard menu)
download to your personal download folder with left mouse click or use right mouse click to specify a location: sendandreceivesysex.exe
move the .exe file from download folder to a new folder e.g. c:\tools\sendandreceivesysex
This is a demo that demonstrates sysex sending and recieving operations (by sysex request or manually sent from other device).
Programming that in Windows is not simpliest task. We can provide a Windows DLL with operations that simplifies using such operations in your application.
It is not permitted to use or distribute this .exe file with any product.
Contact if you need such operations or MIDI player or MIDI recorder or MIDI file tools for use in your commercial application.
Try GNMIDI professional 3 which also contains these MIDI operations.
run cmd.exe application in Windows C:\>cd \tools\sendandreceivesysex C:\tools\folderthatcontainssendandreceivesysex> sendandreceivesysex.exe -h use argument -h to display usage text
error: invalid option: -h usage: sendandreceivesysex [-midiout=#] [-midiin=#] [-timeout=seconds] F0 ... F7 e.g. sendandreceivesysex -midiout=0 -midiin=0 F0 7E 7F 06 01 F7 default MIDI devices are 0 default timeout is 5 seconds the hexadecimal sysex is optional and will be sent to midi out and then within timeout the program waits for a sysex answer C:\tools\folderthatcontainssendandreceivesysex> sendandreceivesysex -timeout=60 -midiout=0 -midiin=0 F0 7E 7F 06 01 F7