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This operation allows to define up external tools that can be started by menu item. First 5 entries can be started by or ALT+number key shortcut (e.g. Alt+1, Alt+2 ...).

The commandlines for the application must be set in gnmidi.ini settings:


CommandlineExternTool1=%quote(c:\program files(x86)\GN MIDI Solutions\GNMIXER\gnmixer.exe)%%single( %quotedpath%)%
CaptionExternTool1=GNMixer Software

optional variables

%quotedpath%    will be replaced by the quoted full path of current document in GNMIDI e.g. "c:\midi\Blue line.mid"
Hint: the quotes will be added if necessary (when the path contains spaces, Windows commandline usually requires "..." quotes in this case).

%unquotedpath%     will be replaced by the full path of current document without any quotes in GNMIDI e.g. c:\midi\Blue line.mid

optional macros

adds quotes around text if it contains spaces. Special encoding of backslash and end of text and quotes if they are inside the text. cmd.exe requires to quote filenames or folder path so that it is not splitted into words.

removes quotes if text starts and ends with quote

when a document is loaded text will be added to the command line. When no document is loaded text will be ignored.

when no document is loaded text will be added to the command line. When any document is loaded text will be ignored.

Hint: %single(text)% and %nofile(text)% can be used to create different command lines depending if a document file is available or not (e.g. open application with file path or only open application without document

Hint: use full application path that it can be found.
Hint: the variable can be omitted if the application should be started without any document.
Hint: after first use the operation complains about missing .ini setting and writes example settings into the gnmidi.ini file and opens the gnmidi.ini file with notepad editor.

Hint: at starting applications GNMixer and GNInsertController are added if installed and GNMIDI finds the programs.