[in menu analyse]
Before a MIDI song plays notes the song initialises all settings so that the notes will play with correct sound, volume, panpot, effects, pitch etc.
This is often done in a setup tact. Some commands need more pause time till the next command should start since they have more work to do like e.g. Reset GM, XG, GS, GM2, all notes off, all sound off, all controls off
Without enough pause following such a command the effects to direct following commands could be bad for the song. It is often noticed by a track playing default piano instead of the sound chosen.
This command shows the content of the MIDI tracks till first note starts.
The result text shows data for each track and channel that uses important commands in the song. If the song track contains commands without channel (e.g. sysex, META) this data is shown before channels data blocks.
Hint: in modify menu the operation edit MIDI initialisation can be used to modify this text and changes are applied to the MIDI song.
Hint: the syntax of this text can be found in page to operation edit MIDI initialisation