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<space>       Play/Stop start or stop playing current song
Alt+<space>       Pause/Continue
Ctrl+<space>      start song with external player
Shift+TAB       Player jump 15 seconds back
TAB          Player jump 15 seconds forward
Ctrl+Arrow-Links    select previous song in play list
Ctrl+Arrow-Rechts    select next song in play list
Shift+<space>    play next (selected) song in play list
Alt+E          set end of loop in player
Alt+L         set begin of loop in player
Ctrl+I          Player status dialog

Ctrl+O       File open
F3         Open favorites
PLUS         Add current document to favorites
MINUS          Remove current document from favorites
Alt+PLUS       add more files to favorites
Shift+Ctrl+S       File save (same name and folder as original file)
Ctrl+S         File save as (new name or other folder)
Alt+B         Batch operation menu
Ctrl+B         open folder

         start external tool (command defined in gnmidi.ini setting)
Ctrl+A         Autoplay
Ctrl+EINFG, Ctrl+C   copy song information or selected text to clipboard
Shift+Ctrl+C       chords editor
Ctrl+Alt+C      MIDI cripple
Ctrl+N         create new empty MIDI file
Ctrl+X, Shift+ENTF   cut selected text to clipboard
Shift+EINFG, Ctrl+V    insert text from clipboard into text
Ctrl+E       open song information or ASCII text in a text editor
Ctrl+Alt+F       MIDI filter dialog for deleting certain kind of MIDI commands
Ctrl+F         search text in song files
Shift+Ctrl+F      find repeating parts (patterns) in MIDI files
Shift+Alt+F       convert chords format
Ctrl+Alt+P       printing preview
Shift+Ctrl+Alt+P    printer settings
Ctrl+Alt+      S clean MIDI commands
Ctrl+K       karaoke editor
Ctrl+M       MIDI map
Ctrl+Alt+I       MIDI description
Ctrl+T         edit MIDI track titles
Ctrl+Alt+T       edit MIDI META text commands
Ctrl+P          calculate maximum polyphony (how many notes are playing at same time)
Ctrl+R          MIDI recorder
Ctrl+Z          synchronisation editor
Alt+X         Sysex dump (send and receive sysex commands)

F6          next window
Shift+F6       previous window
F9          move play list to foreground