MIDI Recorder
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select song tempo (bpm=quarter notes/minute). The resulting MIDI file will have this constant tempo when recording using input method Live (independent which tempo you are playing).
select song resolution (MIDI units per quarter note) for the resulting MIDI song.
select the input device in menu Settings. This field shows the current selected device name.
· | Live
real time (milliseconds) is used to record. The song will have constant tempo. This works even in MIDI modes that don't send MIDI clock signals.
· | Synchronized to MIDI clock
device must send 24 MIDI clock commands (F8) per beat. Tempo changes are guessed from speed of the clock commands.
· | Delayed
uses time stamps (milliseconds) from the input device. Tempo will be constant even if parts play with different speed..
useful for devices that can't produce MIDI data in real time (e.g. analyzing tools) and send them delayed. This method works well with e.g. Autoscore pitch-to-MIDI software.
While *** Recording *** at the right side a star * will blink which indicates that MIDI clock or active sense commands are received, which are important because that means that MIDI connection works.
Start recording a song from MIDI cable input
Stop the MIDI recording. A dialog will tell if MIDI data was received that could be saved.
Generate a MIDI song from the recorded input data. This will open a temporary MIDI document window. Don't forget to save this document to a MIDI file.
It is necessary that the Windows MIDI device driver is correctly installed and working, that data can be recorded successfully. Some keyboards or synthesizers send MIDI data only in certain mode (e.g. song mode) or need keyboard settings to enable sending of MIDI data. Some keyboards you need to force to send initialization settings (sounds, volume...) through MIDI cable, by pressing e.g. reset button, changing mode or similar.