Song Description
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Path and name of the song file
composer or singer of the song
song title
Rate the song by one of the attributes in the list. Rating values are considered by Entertainment player.
if you know which channels the melody notes then you can set this info here. 1-16 or 0 if you don't know or don't need it. The information is required by operation Mute Melody and MIDI karaoke score lines display.
A list of channel numbers can be specified with comma separator. Some operations need a single channel number. Then the channel number with smallest value is used from the list.
Melody channel is not used for MP3 files.
enter a transpose value (-12 .. +12) e.g. if you use a score sheet with the song notes in other key. Operation Mute Melody transposes the song by given value. -- no transpose -- if transposing is not necessary or not wanted.
MP3 songs are not transposed before playing.
a beats/minute value between 1 and 255.
number of beats counting, for 3/4: 1,2,3,1,2,3...
select a music style category from the list of categories for a song. The list of styles is read from file gnstyles.ini in your gnmidi directory, it will be created once you start GNMIDI. You can add categories self to this text file or choose unknown for all that have a category that is not existing in the list.
enter own commentary text to the song
Hint: GNMIDI writes this information into files gnmidi.dsc in the directory of the music file by default. With following setting in gnmidi.ini settings file in documents folder you can let write them into an other folder (you can choose the name and location of the folder self):