

Choose between
  • MSI (Microsoft installer): it installs the program files into a program files subfolder.
    It creates shortcuts to executables in program and desktop.
    It creates an appdata sub folder for program data
  • ZIP (archive that only contains the files): the files must be manually extracted into a program folder.
    Shortcuts to application could be created self

MSI installation of the software

If a previous version of the software is already installed using MSI installer then please uninstall this program first.
Download the .msi demo from the product page and execute it (open).
A warning might be displayed because the system does not know the file.
Choose install anyway instead of cancel or delete.
The installation copies some files and creates shortcut symbols on desktop and program list to the program.

MSI uninstall of an installed version

Open Control panel/Programs/Programs and Features and select the program with left mouse button and then uninstall with ENTER key. The .ini settings of the program are not deleted so that reinstalling uses previous settings.
The .ini text file is in my documents folder and can be deleted if you don't plan to reinstall the software

Installation using ZIP

Download the .zip demo and extract the content files into a new empty folder (e.g. C:\GNMIDI, don't use program folder or desktop).
A newer program version can be extracted into previous used program folder.
Important:Some browsers are blocking downloaded zip content files (.exe, .chm) for security reasons. In this case the program starts with a warning or help documents (.chm) will not display full text. Using Windows Explorer you can remove the blocking in the properties pages of those files by clicking the unblock button.
The ZIP installation allows to try different program versions on same computer without uninstalling the MSI installed product. Running GNMIDI application should be closed before starting the other one.

Uninstallation using ZIP

Remove the extracted files from the zip in your created program folder.
The .ini text file is in "my documents" folder and can be deleted if you don't intend to install a newer program version.

Upgrading to a newer version

For upgrading install the newest demo that you find in the product page.
Please uninstall the previous installed version if you used the MSI installer
Installing the license again should not be necessary.
Depending on the product and purchased product license conditions it might be that the upgrade is free or that only upgrades that are released within 2 years since your order are free. In second case when the order is longer ago you would need to purchase a license upgrade for another two years that the the newest program version can be used (please contact developer before purchase).

Installation of license

You get your license after your paid order in an email text.
The text also contains instructions how to install the license.
Important: The computer date must be correct that the license can be used.

Virus checker

In rare cases a virus checker could disturb the software installation or license installation (e.g. Bitdefender).
The behavior was e.g. even after license installation the software asked at every startup of program to accept license conditions.
A solution is to to disable the virus checker for short time while installing the software and license.
The program writes a text file (.ini) with your program settings into your documents folder. Make sure that a safety tool does not prevent modifying or writing this file (e.g. Bitdefender Safe file, Avira virus Scanner).
Solution for bitdefender Safe File: After bitdefender has blocked open SAFE FILES >> Application Access >> set GNMIDI to allowed applications.
Solution for Avira: Avira seems to block unknown applications without really knowing if it is good or bad. Avira Advanced Security allows to add your harmless programs as exceptions.

Workaround for Windows 10 when using Windows internal MIDI device (Microsoft GS Wavetable synth)

There is an option in menu settings (in Windows 10 only) that does some initialisation to the program that this MCI incompatibility problem of this Windows internal MIDI device should fix.
The option is turned on by default. Turn it off if you use choose an other MIDI device or use Mp3 player.
When the workaround is on and you try to play an Mp3 song the Windows mp3 audio device might refuse with error 266. The workaround can only be done at program start so it needs a restart of GNMIDI program when you change the workaround setting.
We hope that Microsoft solves the annoying and inacceptable incompability of Windows 10 MCI opening. The api was consistent for over 10 years between different Windows systems and now this problem occurs in "best" Windows ever.
Please ask the developer if something is unclear. © Günter Nagler Contact

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