
FAQ: GNMIDI first steps

Software: GNMIDI 3 (Windows)
GNMIDI Manual:
Questions: if you have problems or questions please ask the author using the contact form below

1. Download

Download GNMIDI demo from Choose MSI installation for simple installer on your Windows computer. Alternatively a zip package is available if you want to use GNMIDI without installation.

2. Installation

More information about installing can be found at

3. Start GNMIDI application

Start the application from the Windows menu or desktop icon GNMIDI desktop icon.

4. Open a MIDI, .kar, or MP3 song

Use menu operation File/Open and choose the folder and file where your song is located. Press Ok to load the song into GNMIDI.
A window with information about the song will appear. If the song contains lyrics this window can be set to following display modes:
  • Full shows information about the song.
  • Middle a splitter divides the window into upper and lower half. The upper contains information the lower contains karaoke lyrics.
  • Karaoke shows karaoke text (and optional chords lines). During playing synchronized text is colored when active and scrolled into view.
GNMIDI karaoke view GNMIDI information view
After opening the file the menu items and toolbar items are activated when a function can be applied to this song. If more songs are opened then the active window in front is the active song with its possible menu and toolbar functions.
Important: when no song file is opened then only batch operations (all files ...) and general operations that need no document file are active. Open a file (MIDI or mp3) to use operations with the current active song file.
Use the switches INFO, KAR, INFO|KAR to change the view of open document files. INFO shows table views and piano keys view, KAR shows song text (if available), INFO|KAR splits the view at half size.

5. Batch operations

menu batch operations
If no song is opened then the menu items are active which can be applied without need for an open file. Some of them are batch operations where you are first asked to choose a source folder and a destination folder. The operation is then applied to any song found in the source folder and results are put into the destination folder (with same folder structure as in source folder).
The batch operations can also be found in the menu File.

6. Play the active song

GNMIDI player status information
Activate the song by clicking with left mouse button on the window title of the song. Press space key to play this song with internal player. Stop the player again using space key. With keys TAB and BACKTAB you can jump forward and backward during the playing.
Swith to KAR view when you want to follow the synchronised song text.
Some settings (in menu settings and menu window) influence the KAR display. 1-2-3-4 counters can be inserted between longer song pauses as fillers. Score lines with positions of melody notes including melody note names can be displayed. Click with right mouse key into the document window to define the correct melody channel number if the melody channel is not analysed automatically.

7. Apply a function

Open a MIDI file and choose an operation that you want to do.
Example: mute the melody channel that you can play the melody self with accompaniment by MIDI.
GNMIDI mute voices dialog
Start the operation mute voices using the menu Modify/Volume operations submenu (or using the toolbar icon toolbar icon mute voices).
The mute voices dialog will appear where you are asked to choose one or more MIDI channels that will be muted. We will use method delete notes so that the channel still contains the sound information which can be used when playing the melody self on this channel.
Click OK button to start the operation.
A temporary MIDI file will be generated that contains the modifications. Also a Window with information about this window will be displayed.
Play the modified song to test if the changes are as wanted.

8. Save the result of an operation

You need to save the result if you want to keep it otherwise it is only temporary and will be lost after closing the window or application. Use File/Save as menu operation to write the result to a new location or name.

9. Exit the application

Use File/Exit to leave the application.
The program will warn if you haven't saved files and allows to decide about saving/ignoring/cancelling exit.
The program will remember your recent used files and settings that you have changed.

10. Order a GNMIDI license

The demo limits some operations which are removed if you order and install a GNMIDI license.
Please order a GNMIDI license if you find GNMIDI useful for your musical work. © Günter Nagler Contact